Love Rimurimu has publicly launched!

After many months of planning we finally had our official public launch of the Love Rimurimu project in August!! As our friend Lara Taylor put it, when starting a big project you’ve got to be like the bull-kelp (rimurapa); holding fast to the rocks, being flexible with the waves and weathering the storms to stay attached! Aside from all those awesome abilities, bull-kelp is beautiful stuff - as is our team of awesome seaweed lovers. We look forward to dancing the dance of the bull kelp alongside you all as we embark on this ambitious and highly rewarding project.

Photo evidence of us dancing the dance of the rimurpapa (Bull kelp).

Photo evidence of us dancing the dance of the rimurpapa (Bull kelp).

We had a little internal celebration with our friends of the project at Greater Wellington Regional Council. We enjoyed some kai and seaweed cocktails (stay tuned if you like the sound of that) inspired by some of the seaweed species we can find on our South Coast.


Love Rimurimu on RNZ


The Love Rimurimu Education Program