Read. View. Listen. ~ SEAWEED

  • LEARNZ - Love Rimurimu Virtual Field Trip

    Travel to Te Upoko-o-te-Ika-a-Māui, the Wellington region, to explore the vital role of rimurimu in marine ecosystems and the importance of seaweed restoration.

    Dive into this virtual field trip with LEARNZ!

  • Rimurimu Tangaroa - Waiata

    Waiata by Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika on behalf of the Love Rimurimu project. Performed by students from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna and some of the project team.

    Lyrics can be found in the video description.

  • Seaweeds of Wellington ID video

    A swim through ID video of some of the most common seaweeds found in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. So make yourself a cuppa, sit back,relax and watch these beautiful swaying seaweed forests.

    Video and editing by Kristine Zipfel

  • Wellington's Seaweed Guide

    You can brush up on your local seaweed knowledge with Love Rimurimu’s very own ID brochure. Now updated to include local te reo Māori names also with thanks to Te Aho Tū Roa & Taranaki Whanui.

    You can also get a physical waterproof copy of the brochures ($15+postage). Email us at to place an order.

  • Westcoast Kelp Restoration (CA)

    West Coast Kelp Ltd. is a start-up specializing in kelp forest restoration and kelp seed production. Their mission is to enable high-impact kelp forest restoration by applying innovation and efficiency to science-based knowledge.

  • Love Rimurimu Virtual Stall

    By having all public events and festivals cancelled the last couple of months we had to be a bit creative to share our love for rimurimu with you!

    Discover our virtual Love Rimurimu stall, learn about the project, some of our partners, discover the touch pool and learn about some critters you can find on your shore and download some useful info material!

  • Kelp Forest Alliance

    ‘The Kelp Forest Alliance is a collaborative home that brings together people and organisations to enhance, protect, and restore these incredible ecosystems.’

    A fantastic resource for all things ‘kelp restoration’ from scientific articles, restoration projects around the world to a highly informative restoration guidebook for everyone who want to restore their local underwater forests!

  • Green Gravel Action Group

    The Green Gravel Action group was formed to tackle the global crisis facing kelp forests. This collaboration of seaweed scientists all over the world realised that it is needed to work at a global scale, and broadly develop and implement solutions. Check out their website to find out what’s behind the ‘green gravel’ approach and who is involved…

  • How does KELP help fight CLIMATE CHANGE? Kelp explained here!

    Beautiful educational video by Barnaclefoods: By growing and eating more kelp we can help fight climate change & improve the health of our oceans.

    Learn more about this amazingly delicious food that's good for our oceans and packed with nutrients!

  • Mountains to Sea Wellington @ RNZ

    Our project lead Zoe Studd met with RNZ to talk about the beginning of the Love Rimurimu Project and why we think we are the Tinder of nature!


  • Love Rimurimu Learning Hub

    The learning hub is an interactive platform that provides a selection of resources to assist educators with their planning of lessons and units of work on seaweed biodiversity, human impacts and restoration.

  • Image: Operation Crayweed

    Operation Crayweed

    Operation Crayweed is a flagship project from the Sydney Institute of Marine Science that aims to restore the crayweed forests in the Sydney Harbour.

  • Image: Leigh Tait (NIWA)

    Building a seaweed sector

    Sustainable Seas Report 1
    This report assesses current demand, supply and regulation, and opportunities for (and barriers to) growth of the rimurimu/seaweed sector in Aotearoa New Zealand

    (August 2021)

  •  Image: Ayushi Kachhara (NIWA)

    Building a seaweed sector

    Sustainable Seas Report 2

    This report provides an overview of seaweed species in Aotearoa that have commercial potential, as well as recognition of their cultural importance and the role of Māori in the emerging seaweed sector.

    (November 2021)

  • Graphic: Revell Design

    Building a seaweed sector

    Sustainable Seas Report 3

    This report describes the ecosystem services provided by seaweed and the potential environmental impacts of a seaweed sector.

    (November 2021)

  • Seaweed Podcast

    Podcast by the Manly Seaweed Forests Festival 2021 that blended science, art and food in a celebration of the lush underwater ecosystems that line the Sydney coastline, as well as the entire Great Southern Reef.

    © Seaweed Forests Festival 2021.

  • Kelp Forest Ecosystems and Restoration with BMSC Live

    Hear about how a passionate team of researchers, locals and small start-up kelp farmers are trying to protect and support Vancouver Island’s kelp forests and make seaweed popular again.

  • Kelp life history infographic

    Learn more about the life cycle of kelp species!

    Feel free to use and share, but make sure to cite us as the owners :)

  • Beautiful browns seaweed guide NIWA

    Brown Seaweed Guide

    Do you know where in New Zealand to find Neptune’s necklace or rimurapa? Or how to tell apart Carpophyllum from Cystophora?

    No? Then check out this fantastic seaweed guide put together by NIWA’s Coasts and Oceans group!

  • Project Baseline Wellington

    This volunteer-based citizen science project is one of our key partners on the journey to regenerate Wellington’s underwater forests. The collaboration between the Wellington Underwater Club and Project Baseline is monitoring the seaweed beds and kina (sea urchin) populations around the harbour since 2016(!) and contribute crucial data on how the ecosystem has changed over the years. Check out their website for more information and how to get involved!